Military Incremental Complex

✅ Updated demo with saving and loading on Steam! Check it out, and Wishlist it while you're there! -

NOTE: This is still *very* early in development, lots of features have not been implemented or will be polished later on. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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Start your own military industrial complex enterprise! Begin by making bullets by hand, then with machines, then acquire entire factories. Expand into making guns, tanks, planes, and even nukes. Research new products, faster and cheaper ways to make them, and better methods of making money. Enter the stock market to raise capital, buyout rival companies, or perform market manipulation. Lobby the government for fewer regulations, better contracts, and more demand for your products. Turn the entire economy into a weapons making machine, making you ludicrous amounts of money.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(24 total ratings)
AuthorSpace Kraken Studios
GenreSimulation, Strategy
Made withGodot
Tags90s, Clicker, Godot, Idle, Incremental, Retro, Singleplayer, War, Weapons

Development log


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Make it available to mobile

Any chance there will be a downloadable version on here aswell?

There's a downloadable demo on Steam!

I know about the steam version. Thanks for the link.

I meant as in a downloadable verion here on 

Since i don't have steam.

Dang, excellent start! I was hooked from a minute in, looking forward to updates!


Thanks for sharing :) Next big update should be around the end of January

Really cool game excited to see were it goes 

Great to hear! Thanks for playing!


a way to make the text bigger would be nice for those of us with vision issues


That's been a common complaint, so it's on my list of things to fix :)

To the creator of this game, please don't leave the name of this game just "something incremental" or "something idle". Name it something cool like "Lord Of War" or "The Military Industrial Complex" aka "MIC", this game has to much of a good premise/idea and look to it to just be another incremental game.

Thanks! How do you feel about Military Incremental Complex, it's current name?

(2 edits)

Its good, its a nice play on the second thing I mentioned but the point of names especially game names are to be catchy like Assassins Creed and God Of War. I have delved into developing random games with my friends in the flash era of gaming but that's the end of it, when it came to games I realized flavor text, style and look to a game is 50% when it comes to the reasons why most players like a specific game and some players don't and vise versa. The best example is Concord vs Overwatch, and the path you're going with this game is good. BUT it can be better if you want to make this into a Steam game in the near future.

PS: You might be running some code that causes lag, I'm not sure what exactly but you might be doing it but I think its the amount of  objects. When the player reaches a certain amount of automation make it into a animation instead of a row of objects that needs to be loaded in every signal time and just do the calculations in the background.


Hey, there is a small glitch with the progressive press, if you click if fast enough you can get into negative materials


Thanks for reporting that! I've found that as well and am working on it


new version hype



(1 edit) (+2)

This was a blast, please keep working on this


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! I'm still working on the next update, it'll be at least a few weeks before it's out


Love the game, just finished it!
I look forward to seeing this grow :)


Good to hear! Thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

It lags a lot, some of the calculations need to be minimized or done in a way they wont eat the memory.

My suggestion is remove the 3D money stack, and the log they arent needed, also try to work around other things.

I have somewhat improved the collisions for the money stack, so it shouldn't lag as much anymore. If you try it out again, can you let me know if you're still getting bad lag?

A different person, but I'll say the lag is still here - not an awful one, but the longer it goes the more sluggish and choppy it becomes, especially as the stack of money grows
I think the stack is a neat idea, but making it static in a form of a filling jar/meter would be easier on this game
Agree with the previous guy on removing the log though, it's really not needed, at least I see no use for it as of now, as it's just supplying redundant information and you can track your production well enough without it, and no special events occur to notify you of
A notification system for available research/completed research would be neat, and maybe a different color for text for resources (or at least a little icon next to them) to signal they're depleted would be more useful
Neat idea otherwise, look forward to revisiting it later in development

Thanks for your reply! All good info to know, I'll take that into consideration


my poor ears


0/10 for no mute button. I'm serious, it's a fine game otherwise but including music and a settings button but only having it change the background with no sound options is incredibly bad. Especially with an incremental game, most people like to do other things while playing them and not being able to mute is unforgivable. Everything else is fine and will get better with updates but for heaven's sake give it a mute.


It now has a mute button! Well it has a volume slider in the (now actually working) settings menu.


Awesome game! Is there a Discord or smth to easily see whenever a new update releases?


Thanks! No discord yet, I'll set one up eventually but I just haven't gotten to that yet. If you follow the game here, it should notify you when I update it.

I can see something there, though the nature of some of the upgrades, like when you go from rotary to automated press you completely lose the ability to click to make bullets. Having both be available would be nice.

Other than that, the UI is extremely cramped, almost as if this was made for a 4k monitor, text is small, buttons are smaller, checkboxes are tiny. I couldn't even get the game to focus on some research.

Proper settings would also be nice, like the option to mute the sound. Right now all it does is cycle through the appearance.

The latest update I just uploaded should fix your last 2 points! What resolution monitor are you playing on? And does it look better after this update?

a way to balance out your supplies would be nice it bothers me that i dont have equal numbers of brass gunpowderand lead

I'm planning on adding that feature in eventually :)


I like the purpose and potential of this game so much i literally just made an account just to provide some feedback :^)

I played the game to the point where i had no other upgrades to purchase. Atleast to my knowledge.

Some pointers to begin with, and these are no critique since it's being v0.01 these things are expected.


But first i really like the design of the game with the old-school windows aesthetic and 3D model of the bullet and the "cash stack" nice concept and makes it stand out a bit from other Idle's nice feeling like you have a big pile of money visually from the stuff you sell. Not much else to say.


The gameplay feels nice and not to sluggish at all, a little in the beginning until you get a few upgrades/research a few things. this doesn't take any joy away from the game, only note here is that it's a bit short, but with the game being in v0.01 this is expected and totally understandable.


The only bug's i've encountered is the audio lagging out (i ended up muting the tab since the repetetiveness of the music became a bit boring and the obvious cut of the loop)

That and that when you sell ammunition in big stacks and several bills drop on your cash stack the game takes a bit hit on the performance and lags for a little bit (1 minute maybe) before it becomes stable again. Again this is expected with it being so early in development.


I like a lot of the things you mention in your description i.e. Stock market manipulation and such, maybe something akin to the stock market in "Business Empire" on Android/IOS (stocks have x amount of shares and you gain a % in interest based on amount of shares held)

my own suggestions are probably things you already have in mind but i thought the following in terms of different kinds of ammunition.

  • 9mm rounds (Pistols)
  • .40 SW (Revolvers)
  • 10mm auto
  • .45 ACP
  • 4.6mm
  • 5.56 NATO (Rifles)
  • 7.62 NATO (Rifles)
  • 50.Cal (Snipers)
  • Shells (Shotgun)
  • Flak (Shotgun)
  • Slug (Shotgun)

Anything else of that sort.

Different kinds of Military equiptment?

  • Silencers
  • Scopes
  • Magazines
  • Stocks

Maybe eventually different kinds of guns

  • Pistols (Glock, Beretta Colt 45. etc)
  • Rifles (M4A1, AK-47 the classics)
  • SMG's (MP5, MP5K, UZI etc)
  • Shotguns (Remington, SPAS-12 etc.)
  • Snipers
  • RPG's

Hope you can use this feedback/Suggestions!

I dont' really have much else to suggest or say at this time, but i look forward to see how the game updates in the future and that i enjoyed it for what it has for now! Keep up the good work dude! :^)

Woah! Thanks for the comment! I'll take your feedback into account, but no promises on any specific elements making it into the game :)

Do you know if Firefox is Compatible?

I keep getting Network errors

It's working fine on Firefox for me! Not sure what's up with that error, sorry

can you save?

No saving yet, sorry. That'll be in eventually, can't say for sure when that'll be be though


Loving how this could turn out, and looking forward for new upgrades.

I dont know how large you think this game will be, but I have some suggestions for the game further down the road: When you implement contracts, I would love if you could choose between more or less ethical choices, and that those choices would have an impact on your company.

Lets say you are selling to a warlord doing heinous crimes, you could earn a lot of profit, but risk bad PR. Bad PR would impact your position in the stock market. On the other hand, delivering weapons to more "clean" customers would not give you bad PR, but lower profits. High risk, high reward.

Paying off the media would shurely be an exciting option aswell. Desinformation, coverups or fake news about your competitors are some of the things you could do.

Industrial espionage vs doing your own research is also an idea. Protecting your own research would then be a natural consequence.

I allways like when you can explore different kind of options, and that choosing one path will lock the other, opening for higher replay value. Becoming a world dominating syndicate with no moral values or boundaries, or a pioneer in science that stretches beyond weaponry? How about space travel?

Once more, loving the game and how it could pan out.

PS: When I think about it, Im not sure how "ethical" you could be when you produce weapons, but I think you get my point.

Thanks for the comment! I like a lot of those ideas, I might try to implement some of them later, but no guarantees on anything specific. One of my goals is to have a few different playstyles or paths you can follow so that that you have options during your playthrough, and to give it higher replay value. I'm not entirely sure what this will look like fully implemented in the game though

I didn't play long but it's fun.

But the Cash stack make the game reeaally slow after 20 or more bills... I don't know if it could be possible to make it hideable (or if it will have an interest later...)

Very fun so far, can't wait for updates


love it very fun so far, got a little laggy after the last upgrade, but still looking forward to future updates :)

Good to hear! I've had a few people report some lagging, so I'm going to look into the performance. Thanks for playing!


Very clean and promising demo. Looks like it deducts money when the researches move from the research screen to the production screen, which managed to put in me in enough debt to get softlocked.

Oh whoops, yeah it shouldn't be doing that. I'll fix that for the next update. Thanks for catching that!

(1 edit)

Definitely an interesting little game. Very involved early on. I liked the research system but took a while to realize the progressive press was a click and hold type thing. Will look back into it once its a bit more feature complete. 

Thanks for trying it out!

automated press could use a buff, able to produce much more with the previous upgrade even without an autoclicker.

Yep, it'll get a lot better in future updates. For now it's mainly to have an end-game upgrade for the demo, and to give players' hands a break :)

When's the new update going to come 

I'm hoping for later this week, but no promises though. I've added in a research system, along with multiple upgrades related to that and bullet production. I still need to polish a few things and then test it to try and catch any bugs I missed

Cool. Thanks for the update

what was in the new update

I just slightly updated the name (took the periods out of it). The next gameplay update will hopefully be in a week or two, but will most likely just have some new upgrades for bullets. I'll add a changelog whenever I add significant updates, so be watching for those

is there anything to produce besides bullets

For now it is just bullets. I'm planning on adding grenades, guns, tanks, planes, nukes, and hopefully a few more. That'll take some time though

should probably mention that some where

Ran out of money, so my game is soft locked. Have 2.83 on the bank, needing gunpowder... it barely went below it at 2.77 BUT STAYED GRAYED OUT what?


Hmmm, it should have reactivated the button once you had enough, I'll look into that. Also I plan on implementing a way to take out a loan or similar so that you can't get soft locked, but it'll be a bit before I implement that. Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit)

You could add a way to generate some slow passive income or something, at least the player would be able to wait it out if they mess up

Or let us click for a low amount of money for the starting cash instead of starting with some, like mowing grass/cleaning pavement or something, then quickly becoming obsolete when you start your production 


Could do like gun cleaning for people for a bit of cash or somethin

sound design is really great. It would be awesome if it synched up with the music.

I think the bullets having multiple production stages is actually really cool. Instead of an upgrade that makes it 1-step, having an upgrade that automatically triggers each individual step would be better.

Ooooo syncing up with the music would be super satisfying! I'll see if I can make that happen, but no promises.

And I do want to have the multiple buttons aspect around for longer, so I'll think about upgrades like you're saying. Good suggestions!

Some tips:
Auto buy for materials when under a certain threshold.
Auto Sell for bullets when prices go over a certain amount(or sell whenever possible)

These could be upgrades needing to be bought, then researched in making it faster and more efficient (Selling more bullets pr second, buying materials in bulk and cheaper)

Yep! I'm planning on all of that, it'll just take some time to get all of that working. Thanks for the feedback :)

I ran out of money


Yeahhhh, I need to work on the pricing so that's less likely to happen, and I think I'm going to implement a way to take out a loan or something like that so that you aren't soft-locked if you do run out. It'll take a little bit to get that in the game though


are bullets the only thing you can build