v0.04 and Steam demo

There is now a demo on Steam that includes saving and loading! Check it out here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3469750/Military_Incremental_Complex/

This update primarily deals with rebalancing, polishing, and improving performance. Some highlights:

  • Greatly improved late-game performance. There shouldn't be a major slowdown now, but please let me know if you're experiencing any lagging at any point.
  • Rebalanced most upgrades and research. Should require a lot less clicking overall. Still allows you to fully experience each milestone, but generally you can progress through the game faster
  • Moved around some research, added a few new ones, removed some lackluster/unnecessary ones

This will probably be the last big update for the itch demo. I plan on primarily supporting the Steam demo going forwards, as it allows for better performance and some extra features. Wishlist and Follow the game on Steam to be notified about further demo updates there.


militaryincrementalcomplex-html5.zip Play in browser
Version 24 17 days ago

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