
Huge thanks to everyone who has tried out the game and left feedback so far! It's really motivating to see this many people interested in this game.

This update is to address the most common complaints I've seen so far:

  • The settings menu now has a few actual settings, including controlling the music volume.
  • There is now a way to still continue if you run out of money. This fixes the current softlock situation.
  • I've made a few improvements to the cash stack collisions, so the game shouldn't lag as much once you have a larger stack. This is still not fully solved though, so don't expect perfect performance just yet. I'm going to continue to work on this for future updates.
  • The game is rendered at a single resolution (1080p) and then stretched for other screen sizes. This should increase the readability and reduce scaling issues.
  • Some smaller bug fixes.

Complaints I have not been able to fix for now:

  • Saving will be coming later, probably once I switch the demo over to a downloadable application instead of the current embedded version.
  • Keeping the game running in a background tab is not possible unfortunately. There are some potential work-arounds, but I think I am just going to return to this once the game is downloadable.

Any and all feedback is still appreciate. Specific feedback I am looking for for this update:

  • Is the resolution scaling working well? Is everything readable and looks ok? (Please include your monitor resolution)
  • Are you getting any significant lagging with larger cash stacks still?

The next update will probably be over a month away. For that, I am planning on implementing the next 2 products to make (grenades and guns), upgrades and research associated with those, and also the first iteration of the main visual element.


militaryincrementalcomplex-html5.zip Play in browser
Version 16 Oct 18, 2024

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